Sunday, August 30, 2009

Samme Fairy

Samme Fairy
Originally uploaded by Happy Hippie Housewife
I am so happy to have found this photo! I thought I lost it. Samantha was only 1 and a half. And now she is 5 and starting kindergarten in one week. I think I am freaking out. Time moves to quickly. I know I will cry next week on her first day.
This was a really happy day at our home. It was Olivia's 4th birthday party. It was hot. Samantha was all red and sweaty. But she would not let go of that bucket, or take off those wings!
My sweet little luv fairy.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Be Present Retreat

I really want to go to this retreat in Manzanita, Oregon. i am working through my Unravelling e-course now. I will continue with part 2 which is offered in September. The Be Present Retreat seems like my next step in this self-discovery process.
Some of the Unravelling has been difficult for me to conquer, like the family stuff. specifically my parents. Perhaps i will just ignore that for a while and do the next writing exercise. Or maybe I will just use a picture of my grandparents. In fact, there is one I stare at every day, right here on my bulletin board. it is of Irv and Jean walking down the aisle at my wedding. My maternal grandparents. jean was my maid of honor. In the back ground of the photo is Jude Morton, my uncle Bryan's wife. i love this photo of my grandparents. it makes me feel happy, nostalgic, a little teary for the sweet memory of that day. this photo reminds me of how i felt walking down the aisle, too. My dad was in more of a hurry than me, for some reason. I wanted to walk really slow and enjoy each breath. I was overwhelmed with emotion. i had to tell him to slow down. He didn't, though. Maybe he was nervous? I remember he also spilled a full glass of wine on me and didn't say he was sorry-all over my wedding dress. some friends from high school happened to be spying on my wedding. They were not invited, we had lost touch. They helped me dry it off in the ladies room. Funny what kind of memories surface from just one photo of my grandparents!