Wednesday, December 7, 2011

I am the full moon hiding in broad daylight, waiting for you to notice me.
I am the gentle breath, moist at the back of your neck while you rest in the warm sun, listening as the hopeful surf crashes hard on the sand.
I am the neglected young poet, brash, full of candor bitterness and wit, waiting to slice you open, to turn you inside out with my double edged tongue.
I am the scent of linens laundered in a new soap fresh and crisp from having dried in the salty early morning air.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Fresh Start

In order to motivate myself to start a daily private journaling habit, I will be engaging in a daily writing activity in connection with  Simply put, I am committing to the December daily writing challenge of 750 words a day.  I will likely complain about it here.  Currently, my name resides on the Wall of Shame. I am actually re-take the challenge in December. When I succeed in writing 750 words every day of the month, my name will be added to the Wall of Amazingness. And my name will be wiped off of the Wall of Shame.

In addition, I have optionally pledged to the following self-created rewards and punishments…

If I succeed, I will Treat myself to drinking a $20.00 bottle of wine at night instead of an under $10.00 bottle.  Additionally I will have the added bonus of having at least enough fodder accumulated to create a few fictitious characters. That is obviously the main goal in inflicting myself with this daily task. If I miss one day or more, I will donate $15.00to help support 750 Words.

I will also berate myself for failing here, for all to read.

Stay tuned. Think I can do it? Bets?

Care to join me?

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Kundalini Yoga

Well, seeing as I have not written a post here in quite some time, actually since we moved into this house, now is the time!  My friend Lisa is teaching me Kundalini.  I am forever a changed woman, and forever grateful to her.  I have started reading The Artists way and am stalled at chapter 2.  Monday begins Vivienne's online course, "You are your own Muse", and circular saws are blaring from the neighbors backyard excavation project.  Olivia needs a haircut.