Monday, January 11, 2010

Project 365! 2010

I have been contemplating joining one of these Flickr groups for quite sometime.  Finally, I am pleased to say that have now committed, and will be submitting a photo a day on my own Flickr photo stream, and also on the official group photo-stream Project 365! 2010.  Right now there are over 100 members of the group.  The goal is to shoot a photo a day, and as a record for the year.  Plus, it keeps me motivated to vary the content of my photographs.

1 comment:

  1. Girl, I gotta tell you...
    I just LOVE your style!!!! :)
    I love the way you....
    say it like it is & shoot it like you see it!

    This Project 365 is an awesome idea, wish I would have thought of it!

    I'm so glad you found me because you took me back here and I just loved my visit!

    Looking forward to "seeing" all of your 2010!

    everything vintage
